Fountain, Sampson

Birth / Established: November 15, 1881
Death / Dissolved: August 15, 1914


Sampson J. Fountain was a native of Camden, Alabama. He received an engineering degree from the A&M College of Texas and a degree in architecture from the University of Illinois. He was appointed as the City Architect of Manila by the American government. He later entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He came to Cleveland in 1908 to work in the offices of J. Milton Dyer. In that office he worked on the interior arcade of the Sterling & Welch store. He formed a partnership with Arthur F. Moratz about 1910. In Cleveland he lived at 10521 Tacoma Avenue in Glenville.In the fall of 1912 he became the chair of architectural engineering at his Alma Mater.