Dercum, Hermann

Birth / Established: May 23, 1879
Death / Dissolved: Unknown


Herman Dercum was born in Cleveland of German-born parents and was educated at Cornell University with a B.S. in architecture granted in 1902 and a M.S. in architecture granted in 1903. He was listed in Cleveland City Directories as an architect from 1907 to 1939. He was a partner with George Beer from 1907 to 1929. He lived at 1956 West Boulevard in Cleveland. He moved to Longview, Washington and worked as an architect for Long-Bell Lumber Company in the 1940s. His wife Carlotta lived until the age of 104 and died in Goldendale, Washington in 1987.


Campen, Richard - Distinguished Homes of Shaker Heights 1992
Cleveland Architectural Club Catalogue 1909
Cleveland City Directories