Department of Aging

Aging & Disability Resource Center

The Cleveland Aging and Disability Resource Center, or ADRC, provides accurate, unbiased information on all aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability.

The ADRC provides information on a broad range of programs and services, helps people understand long-term care options, helps people apply for programs and benefits, and serves as the access point for publicly funded long-term care. These services can be provided on-site, via phone, or through a home visit, whichever is more convenient to the individual seeking help.

Information and Assistance


Visit the Website

The SFMNP is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and provides eligible participants with $50.00 worth of coupons to purchase fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from participating farmers. The purpose of the SFMNP is to improve the nutritional health of low-income seniors and to increase business for local farmers. 

The ARDC can provide information on programs to promote health and independence, manage mental and behavioral health challenges including dementia, treat alcohol and drug abuse, find in-home care, and secure adaptive equipment; 

Seniors can also find help navigating nutritional matters, receive home-delivered meals, address chronic condition management, and locate information on disability, Medicare, Medicaid, and other benefit programs.

Contact the ARDC for available programs that can assist with home maintenance and safety modifications, housekeeping and chore services, senior and low-income housing, assisted-living and nursing homes, long-term care options.

The ARDC can help seniors dealing with abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation, legal issues including guardianship, power of attorney, and client rights advocacy; or with applying for financial assistance including Social Security and SSI.

The ARDC can also help with crisis intervention, employment assistance, vocational services, volunteer work, and transportation.

Long Term Care Options Counseling


Managed by the Aging & Disability Resource Network, this service provides information related to housing choices, types of assistance, care, and paying for help. One-on-one consultations are provided to weigh options for each unique situation, taking into consideration personal values, resources, and preferences. This counseling can:

  • Determine eligibility for public funding for long-term care
  • Help prepare Medicaid applications for those who are eligible
  • Explain long-term care program choices

Access to Benefits and Benefit Counseling

Provided by benefits specialists, the ADRC can connect seniors with benefits counseling for information about benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Disability, low-income housing, eye care, and prescription drugs. These specialists can become advocates for those having problems accessing Medicare, Social Security, and other benefits programs.

Economic Security Project


Available through the ADRC, the Economic Security Project (ESP) assists with money management, can possibly reduce credit card debt, reviews mortgage payments, assists with out-of-pocket health care maintenance needs, helps secure public assistance and employment . One-on one case management services are provided to assess economic situations and help achieve financial goals.